Online One to One Coaching

Achieving your health and fitness goals could not be simpler than this! We’re here to provide expert advice and guidance tailored to you and your specific goals. You will receive one to one personal coaching, nutritional advice, a bespoke fitness programme with video exercise tutorials so you never get an exercise wrong and full 24/7 support, and better yet, it’s all online!

Online Classes

Join Prime Motion and an amazing community of like minded people all trying to better their health and well being from the comfort of their own home. All classes are live streamed and you will be taken through the workout step by step. With 12 classes per week running across six days and six varied class types to choose from, there really is something for everyone!

Corporate Health and Well Being

Prime Motion brings health and well being into the corporate setting, helping businesses and their employees to unwind bad ‘desk posture’ and reverse the unhealthy patterns of staring into technology. Incorporating simple yet effective daily movements into the workplace routine, to boost mood as well as enhance work productivity.

Online Classes

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